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Building Community

Affinity Groups

During the 2020-21 school year, conversations about the best ways to form Affinity Groups continue to take place. Affinity groups are an important tool for reducing the sense of isolation, discomfort, and marginalization many students can feel even in the most mission-centered school communities.

The purpose of these groups would be for students to have a positive and constructive context to explore and affirm topics of shared identity and experience with the support of the school leadership and faculty.

This approach helps to strengthen our community and to cultivate students’ confidence in themselves and their place at Kinkaid, so they can grow into young leaders. Affinity groups help fulfill our school's mission statement, preparing students “to lead, serve, and become contributing citizens to Kinkaid, our country, and the global community.”

Upper School Affinity Groups

African American/Black/African Heritage
East Asian/Southeast Asian
Hispanics and other Latin Americans (HOLA)

Jewish Heritage
Middle Eastern

South Asian
White Ally Affinity Group (WAAG)

Heritage Groups

Upper School

African American Appreciation Club

East Asian Heritage Club

LGBTQ+ Awareness Club

Native American Club

South Asian Club

Viva La Raza

Middle School

Hispanic Heritage Appreciation Club

Jewish Heritage Club