Religious Expression Policy
Kinkaid is a non-sectarian school that welcomes students, families, faculty and staff of all religious faiths, as well as those who do not profess religious faith.
As a non-sectarian school, Kinkaid does not sponsor, promote or favor any particular religion, but the School recognizes the importance of religious faith to many members of the school community. The comfort, strength and guidance many derive from religious faith are significant, and religion plays an important role in the moral development of many young people. Kinkaid believes that its community is enriched by the contributions of individuals representing diverse views, religions, cultures and ethnicities.
In recognition of the importance of religion to many members of our school community, Kinkaid permits the exercise of religious expression outlined below in a manner that is consistent with the School’s standards of deportment, honorable and civil behavior, and the four core values Kinkaid has identified as being central to the life and work of the School—honesty, respect, responsibility and kindness.
1) During free time in the school day and in the times immediately before and after school, students may gather for prayer, for the study of religious texts or for religious discussion. Students may not be led or accompanied in such gatherings by non-students, and they may neither proselytize other students to join in these gatherings nor exclude students who wish to take part. Students must obtain permission from the administration to post on-campus notices of such gatherings and to use school buildings for these gatherings.
2) With the approval of the Headmaster, religious student organizations may use school facilities outside of the school day for meetings. Non-student members of such organizations may be present at the meetings, but may not be present on campus for any purpose associated with the organization during the school day or outside of the approved meetings. Such groups must obtain written approval from the Headmaster for on-campus notices of these meetings. Members of these organizations may not proselytize on behalf of these groups on campus nor exclude students who wish to take part.
3) As has been traditional at Kinkaid, nondenominational prayers or selected religious readings may be offered at baccalaureate ceremonies, graduations and other school events where such prayers and readings are customary or otherwise appropriate.
Approved November 19, 2002
The Kinkaid School Board of Trustees