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Endowment funds provide Kinkaid with a steady flow of income to support a variety of programs. Gifts can be made for specific purposes or to the general endowment, which supports all areas of the School. Endowments can be designated for departments, financial aid, faculty continuing education, faculty salaries, technology, operation and maintenance of facilities, and specific academic programs.

The Kinkaid Endowment Fund’s Board of Directors oversees Kinkaid’s endowment funds with the assistance of professional advisors. The School’s current policy budgets a distribution of 4.0 percent of the rolling average of the market value of the endowment portfolio for the previous 20 quarters. Annual reports and stewardship letters are sent to all donors who create endowed funds.

Named Endowment Giving Levels:

Faculty Support
$100,000 – $5,000,000

Program Support
$50,000 – $2,000,000

Financial Aid & Scholarship Support
$25,000 – $500,000

Gifts at any level can be added to a general endowment for your designated purpose. 

Please contact Director of Advancement Tom Moore at
for more information on endowment funds.