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Excellence in athletics is about challenging and making a commitment to yourself, your team and your school.

Participating in three sports at the varsity level is a challenge and a commitment while on the Kinkaid campus. Balancing the rigors of academics with the demands of athletics makes this honor special. Taking your talent to the next level is the challenge and commitment that many Falcons decide to do after their Kinkaid careers.

We honor these three groups of students and acknowledge them for their dedication to themselves, their teammates and teams and Kinkaid.  Go FALCONS!

  Distinguished Falcons 1983-2023 


Falcons at the Next Level

Kinkaid is proud to celebrate our student-athletes that have achieved their goal to continue playing at the collegiate level and beyond!

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Athletics Hall_of_Honor photo

Hall of Honor

Kinkaid's indoor athletics complex featuring the Distinguished Falcons and Athletes Records Exhibit.

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Championships: SPC & HJPC