Dance & Theatre
The well-balanced dance curriculum exposes students to ballet, modern, jazz contemporary, improvisation, world dance, and tap. Lower School students are introduced to rhythmic movement during physical education and a creative movement course in fifth grade. Dance courses are offered in seventh and eighth grade as fine arts credits. The dance program presents at least three productions a year. Middle School eighth grade musical is another opportunity to perform. Upper School dance consists of beginning, intermediate, advanced, and a men’s class as well as a Dance Company. Students are invited to audition for Dance Company, an after-school commitment with a focus on performance and choreography. Dancers are encouraged to participate in the annual musical. Upper School Dance also presents a student-choreographed concert offering an opportunity for all students to perform. Students may receive either fine arts or athletic credit for Upper School dance classes.
Theatre at Kinkaid is a dynamic and collaborative art form. The School’s theatre curriculum encourages discovery through experimentation, creative risk-taking, and the application of professional techniques and best practices. A wide range of courses and extracurricular activities provides students with opportunities to engage in theatre as creators, technicians, directors, and performers. Specific courses in theatre and production opportunities begin in fifth grade. The theatre program mounts approximately ten formal productions a year.
Technical Theatre
Technical theatre opportunities at Kinkaid begin in seventh grade and continue through twelfth grade. Students learn by being active participants in all aspects of technical theatre for all Visual and Performing Arts productions at Kinkaid, including scenic construction, lighting, sound, projection, scenic painting, and rigging. Students participate in running crew, followspot operation, stage management, wardrobe, and control board operations. State-of-the-art facilities and equipment give our students exposure to current theatrical technologies and staging techniques.
Arts Calendar
Katz-Brown Auditorium-Brown Auditorium (99)
Katz-Brown Auditorium-Brown Auditorium (99)
Katz-Brown Auditorium-Brown Auditorium (99)
Katz-Brown Auditorium-Brown Auditorium (99)
Katz-Brown Auditorium-Brown Auditorium (99)
Katz-Brown Auditorium-Brown Auditorium (99)