Gordy Family Center
Preparing Students for Life
The Gordy Family Center for Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Finance coordinates intentional leadership and business skill development opportunities to help students make connections between their learning, their actions, and the world.
The Center supports Kinkaid’s mission by preparing students to lead, serve, and become contributing citizens to Kinkaid, our country, and the global community. All students will develop an understanding of who they are and learn to take responsibility for and direct their impact as leaders.
The Center provides students with educational and practical opportunities to gain tools and experiences that will help them to build a strong foundation for success in college, a career, and life. Every student has the opportunity to learn from and be mentored by successful professionals in whom they can see their own potential and future selves. Through the Center’s programs, young women develop the skills to confidently contribute and lead throughout their lives from the classroom to the boardroom. The Center’s guiding principle is promoting a culture of enlightened capitalism. Our capitalist system only works if those participating in it have a sound moral compass, and the Center’s courses and programs focus on helping students develop the personal virtues championed by Adam Smith of prudence, justice, and beneficence.
During 9th grade, all Kinkaid students take Decisions for Healthy Living and Leadership, a semester-long course that teaches students how to harness their strengths and interests to serve as leaders at Kinkaid and beyond.
With the completion of the new Upper School building and our incubator maker space, we will roll out classes in the School’s Entrepreneurship Program (Fall 2025).
Kinkaid’s Finance Program begins with 11th and 12th graders taking the Fundamentals of Business and Finance course in the fall semester and the Principles of Investment class during Interim Term.
Faculty Team for the Center for Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Finance
Mark Engstrom
Teacher in the Gordy Family Center for Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Finance and Coach
Jennifer Kehler
Assistant Director and Instructor of Center for Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Finance